
TorChat is a peer to peer instant messenger with a completely decentralized design, built on top of Tor's location hidden services, giving you extremely strong anonymity while being very easy to use without the need to install or configure anything.

TorChat just runs from an USB drive on any Windows PC. (It can run on Linux and Mac too, in fact it was developed on Linux with cross platform usability in mind from the very first moment on, but the installation on other platforms than Windows is a bit more complicated at the moment)

Tor location hidden services basically means:

* Nobody will be able to find out where you are.
* If they are already observing you and sniff your internet connection they will not be able to find out
o what you send or receice
o to whom you are sending or receiving from
o where your contacts are located


There basically is no need for any installation or configuration. It just runs out of the box, all batteries are included. Download and unzip the complete archive to somewhere on your harddisk or USB-Drive. The program is inside the folder "bin". Just doubleclick the blue earth symbol named "torchat" or "torchat.exe" and you are done.


You will also need python2.5, python-wxgtk2.8 (aka wxPython) and Tor. Download and unzip the archive. Configure a Tor hidden service pointing to localhost port 11009 and start Tor. Edit and change OWN_HOSTNAME to the .onion name of your hidden service. (only the 16 characters without the ".onion"). If you have Tor running on a separate machine, configure the other settings in accordingly. Start
It doesn't work?

let me know about every unexpected behaviour, I need your feedback! There have been a few versions which under certain circumstances didn't work at all. At the moment I upload a new version every few days and with every version it is becoming more stable and robust. You can also always try the latest version from SVN, they usually work because i try to avoid committing totally broken revisions.


This is how it should look like:

You will see a window with your contact list. One of the contacts is labled "myself". This 16 numbers and letters are your unique address inside the Tor-Network. Wait a few minutes until the icon becomes green. Give this address to your friends so that they can add you to their list or add your friends address to your list. It all basically behaves like you would expect from an instant messenger.

After starting TorChat it can sometimes take up to 15 Minutes until you will become available. There is a hardcoded time-to-live of 15 minutes for already fetched service descriptors inside the Tor proxy. I have yet to find a way to invalidate this cache without restarting Tor.

You can run TorChat from an USB-Drive and no matter where you are, you always have the same address as long as you don't delete the files in the folder tor\hidden_service. The contents of this folder are your key. They must always be kept secret. If someone wants to impersonate your identity he must and will try to steal the contents of this folder from you. Keep this always in mind. It would probably be a good idea to use TorChat in conjunction with something like TrueCrypt or at least a password protected USB-Drive to protect your key file.

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Zitat aus:
Kaplan Wolke schrieb am 7. Dezember 2007 0:53

> Wo liegt jetzt der Unterschied darin, ICQ/AIM per SOCKS über TOR
> routen zu lassen?

Es existiert kein zentraler Server und somit kein Betreiber des
Dienstes. Die Installation ist dementsprechend auch einfacher, da
keine Zugangsdaten benötigt werden. Client-Server Protokolle wie
ICQ/AIM/Jabber anonym zu benutzen erfordert eine hohe Disziplin,
Fachkenntnis und vollständige Beherrschung und Überblick über die
Technik, angefangen mit der anonymen Erstellung des Accounts und bei
*jeder* einzelnen Benutzung. Ein einziger (technischer) Unfall und
die Anonymität ist beim Teufel. Pidgin hatte zum Beispiel letztens
einen hässlichen Bug, der ohne Vorwarnung die Proxy-Einstellungen
vergaß und einfach ungefragt Direktverbindungen öffnete.

Da mein Tool ohne Tor nicht laufen *kann* (hidden services, die
Clients sprechen sich gegenseitig über ihre .onion-Adresse an) können
keine solchen Unfälle passieren.

Es steckt coole Technik (hidden services) dahinter und in jedem von
uns schlummert ein technikbegeistertes Kind.

Der Entwickler will damit das jeder einfach ohne technische Kentnisse an VDS vorbei Kommunizieren kann.
TorChat ist eine gezielte Provokation gegen die VDS.