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Thema: von avi zu svcd

  1. #16
    Gast Avatar von Dave1978
    Du hast bei Nero am anfang die Auswahl zwischen einer Film-DVD und einer Film-DVD VR, was der unterschied ist weiß ich nicht aber ich vermute du hast letzteres ausgewählt, obwohl ersteres ausreichend ist für dein vorhaben.

  2. #17
    Urgestein Avatar von alex-schwarz

    Registriert seit
    21.1.04 - 18:22
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
    ja aber bei dem erstem reagiert mein DVD player nicht

    und bei dem zweitem ging es beim erstem versuch
    besucht mein Forum:


  3. #18
    Aufsteiger/in Avatar von blinky27

    Registriert seit
    16.12.03 - 20:28
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    Handelt es sich um das selbe Dateiformat beim Quellmedium ?

    Im Musik Forum kannst du hunderte TV und Radiosender Live hören.

  4. #19
    Urgestein Avatar von alex-schwarz

    Registriert seit
    21.1.04 - 18:22
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    keine ahnung
    besucht mein Forum:


  5. #20
    Urgestein Avatar von alex-schwarz

    Registriert seit
    21.1.04 - 18:22
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
    besucht mein Forum:


  6. #21
    Aufsteiger/in Avatar von blinky27

    Registriert seit
    16.12.03 - 20:28
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
    und den ersten Film hattest Du den nicht erst mit Tmpeg bearbeitet oder auch gleich mit Nero-Vision gebrannt ?

    Kann ja sein das Nerovision mit dem Codec nicht klar kommt. Hilfsreich währ vielleicht wenn Du den Logbericht mit angibst, vielleicht hilft das ja dein Fehler einzugrenzen.

    Im Musik Forum kannst du hunderte TV und Radiosender Live hören.

  7. #22
    Urgestein Avatar von alex-schwarz

    Registriert seit
    21.1.04 - 18:22
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
    ich habe avi gleich mit nero-Vision gebrannt

    wenns dir hilft ich verstehe da garnichts

    [20:10:40] NeroVision Log created (Date: 09/03/2004)
    [20:10:40] NeroVision Processors: 1 (Intel)
    [20:10:40] NeroVision OS: Windows XP
    [20:10:55] GCCore Detected DirectX Version: 9.0c
    [20:11:13] ExpressUI Running NeroVision Express 2 Version:
    [20:11:17] GCHW (BEGIN) Gathering information about installed capture hardware
    [20:11:17] GCHW Category GUID: {4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} (no name)
    [20:11:17] GCHW Device 0:
    [20:11:17] GCHW Hardware ID00: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0253&SUBSYS_87901462&REV_A3
    [20:11:17] GCHW Hardware ID01: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0253&SUBSYS_87901462
    [20:11:17] GCHW Hardware ID02: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0253&CC_030000
    [20:11:17] GCHW Hardware ID03: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0253&CC_0300
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID00: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0253&REV_A3
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID01: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0253
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID02: PCI\VEN_10DE&CC_030000
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID03: PCI\VEN_10DE&CC_0300
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID04: PCI\VEN_10DE
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID05: PCI\CC_030000
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID06: PCI\CC_0300
    [20:11:17] GCHW Device description: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 (Microsoft Corporation)
    [20:11:17] GCHW Service: nv
    [20:11:17] GCHW Class: Display
    [20:11:17] GCHW Class GUID: {4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
    [20:11:17] GCHW Driver: {4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000
    [20:11:17] GCHW Manufacturer: NVIDIA
    [20:11:17] GCHW Location info: PCI-Bus 1, Gerät 0, Funktion 0
    [20:11:17] GCHW Phys. device name: \Device\NTPNP_PCI0010
    [20:11:17] GCHW Bus type GUID: {C8EBDFB0-B510-11D0-80E5-00A0C92542E3} (PCI)
    [20:11:17] GCHW Legacy bus type: PCIBus
    [20:11:17] GCHW Bus number: 1
    [20:11:17] GCHW Enumerator: PCI
    [20:11:17] GCHW Exclusive use NOT allowed
    [20:11:17] GCHW Driver information:
    [20:11:17] GCHW InfPath = nv4_disp.inf
    [20:11:17] GCHW InfSection = nv4
    [20:11:17] GCHW ProviderName = NVIDIA
    [20:11:17] GCHW DriverDate = 4-7-2004
    [20:11:17] GCHW DriverVersion =
    [20:11:17] GCHW MatchingDeviceId = pci\ven_10de&dev_0253
    [20:11:17] GCHW DriverDesc = NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 (Microsoft Corporation)
    [20:11:17] GCHW Category GUID: {65E8773D-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196} (no name)
    [20:11:17] GCHW Device 0:
    [20:11:17] GCHW Hardware ID00: ACPI\PNPB006
    [20:11:17] GCHW Hardware ID01: *PNPB006
    [20:11:17] GCHW Device description: MPU-401-kompatibles MIDI-Gerät
    [20:11:17] GCHW Service: ms_mpu401
    [20:11:17] GCHW Class: MEDIA
    [20:11:17] GCHW Class GUID: {4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
    [20:11:17] GCHW Driver: {4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0001
    [20:11:17] GCHW Manufacturer: Microsoft
    [20:11:17] GCHW Phys. device name: \Device\0000005c
    [20:11:17] GCHW Capabilities:
    [20:11:17] GCHW Legacy bus type: Internal
    [20:11:17] GCHW Enumerator: ACPI
    [20:11:17] GCHW Exclusive use NOT allowed
    [20:11:17] GCHW Driver information:
    [20:11:17] GCHW AssociatedFilters = wdmaud
    [20:11:17] GCHW Driver = msmpu401.sys
    [20:11:17] GCHW NTMPDriver = msmpu401.sys
    [20:11:17] GCHW InfPath = wdmaudio.inf
    [20:11:17] GCHW InfSection = MS_MPU401
    [20:11:17] GCHW ProviderName = Microsoft
    [20:11:17] GCHW DriverDate = 7-1-2001
    [20:11:17] GCHW DriverVersion = 5.1.2535.0
    [20:11:17] GCHW MatchingDeviceId = *pnpb006
    [20:11:17] GCHW DriverDesc = MPU-401-kompatibles MIDI-Gerät
    [20:11:17] GCHW Device 1:
    [20:11:17] GCHW Hardware ID00: PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_7012&SUBSYS_53301462&REV_A0
    [20:11:17] GCHW Hardware ID01: PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_7012&SUBSYS_53301462
    [20:11:17] GCHW Hardware ID02: PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_7012&CC_040100
    [20:11:17] GCHW Hardware ID03: PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_7012&CC_0401
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID00: PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_7012&REV_A0
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID01: PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_7012
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID02: PCI\VEN_1039&CC_040100
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID03: PCI\VEN_1039&CC_0401
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID04: PCI\VEN_1039
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID05: PCI\CC_040100
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID06: PCI\CC_0401
    [20:11:17] GCHW Device description: Avance AC'97 Audio
    [20:11:17] GCHW Service: ALCXWDM
    [20:11:17] GCHW Class: MEDIA
    [20:11:17] GCHW Class GUID: {4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
    [20:11:17] GCHW Driver: {4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0018
    [20:11:17] GCHW Manufacturer: Avance
    [20:11:17] GCHW Location info: PCI-Bus 0, Gerät 2, Funktion 7
    [20:11:17] GCHW Phys. device name: \Device\NTPNP_PCI0006
    [20:11:17] GCHW Bus type GUID: {C8EBDFB0-B510-11D0-80E5-00A0C92542E3} (PCI)
    [20:11:17] GCHW Legacy bus type: PCIBus
    [20:11:17] GCHW Enumerator: PCI
    [20:11:17] GCHW Exclusive use NOT allowed
    [20:11:17] GCHW Address: 0x20007
    [20:11:17] GCHW Driver information:
    [20:11:17] GCHW AssociatedFilters = wdmaud,swmidi,redbook
    [20:11:17] GCHW Driver = ALCXWDM.SYS
    [20:11:17] GCHW NTMPDriver = ALCXWDM.SYS,sbemul.sys
    [20:11:17] GCHW InfPath = oem0.inf
    [20:11:17] GCHW InfSection = AC97AUD
    [20:11:17] GCHW InfSectionExt = .NTx86
    [20:11:17] GCHW ProviderName = Avance Logic, Inc.
    [20:11:17] GCHW DriverDate = 8-3-2002
    [20:11:17] GCHW DriverVersion =
    [20:11:17] GCHW MatchingDeviceId = pci\ven_1039&dev_7012&subsys_53301462
    [20:11:17] GCHW DriverDesc = Avance AC'97 Audio
    [20:11:17] GCHW Device 2:
    [20:11:17] GCHW Hardware ID00: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&SUBSYS_1142153B&REV_01
    [20:11:17] GCHW Hardware ID01: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&SUBSYS_1142153B
    [20:11:17] GCHW Hardware ID02: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&CC_048000
    [20:11:17] GCHW Hardware ID03: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&CC_0480
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID00: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&REV_01
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID01: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID02: PCI\VEN_1131&CC_048000
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID03: PCI\VEN_1131&CC_0480
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID04: PCI\VEN_1131
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID05: PCI\CC_048000
    [20:11:17] GCHW Compatible ID06: PCI\CC_0480
    [20:11:17] GCHW Device description: Cinergy 400 TV Capture
    [20:11:17] GCHW Service: Cap7134
    [20:11:17] GCHW Class: MEDIA
    [20:11:17] GCHW Class GUID: {4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
    [20:11:17] GCHW Driver: {4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0019
    [20:11:17] GCHW Manufacturer: TerraTec
    [20:11:17] GCHW Location info: PCI-Bus 0, Gerät 7, Funktion 0
    [20:11:17] GCHW Phys. device name: \Device\NTPNP_PCI0008
    [20:11:17] GCHW UI number: 2
    [20:11:17] GCHW Bus type GUID: {C8EBDFB0-B510-11D0-80E5-00A0C92542E3} (PCI)
    [20:11:17] GCHW Legacy bus type: PCIBus
    [20:11:17] GCHW Enumerator: PCI
    [20:11:17] GCHW Exclusive use NOT allowed
    [20:11:18] GCHW Address: 0x70000
    [20:11:18] GCHW Driver information:
    [20:11:18] GCHW Driver = Cap7134.sys
    [20:11:18] GCHW DevLoader = *ntkern
    [20:11:18] GCHW NTMPDriver = Cap7134.sys
    [20:11:18] GCHW CountryCode = 49
    [20:11:18] GCHW InfPath = oem2.inf
    [20:11:18] GCHW InfSection = TTCap.Device
    [20:11:18] GCHW InfSectionExt = .NT
    [20:11:18] GCHW ProviderName = TerraTec
    [20:11:18] GCHW DriverDate = 2-21-2002
    [20:11:18] GCHW DriverVersion =
    [20:11:18] GCHW MatchingDeviceId = pci\ven_1131&dev_7134&subsys_1142153b
    [20:11:18] GCHW DriverDesc = Cinergy 400 TV Capture
    [20:11:18] GCHW Category GUID: {A799A801-A46D-11D0-A18C-00A02401DCD4} (no name)
    [20:11:18] GCHW Device 0:
    [20:11:18] GCHW Hardware ID00: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&SUBSYS_1142153B&REV_01
    [20:11:18] GCHW Hardware ID01: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&SUBSYS_1142153B
    [20:11:18] GCHW Hardware ID02: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&CC_048000
    [20:11:18] GCHW Hardware ID03: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&CC_0480
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID00: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&REV_01
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID01: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID02: PCI\VEN_1131&CC_048000
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID03: PCI\VEN_1131&CC_0480
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID04: PCI\VEN_1131
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID05: PCI\CC_048000
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID06: PCI\CC_0480
    [20:11:18] GCHW Device description: Cinergy 400 TV Capture
    [20:11:18] GCHW Service: Cap7134
    [20:11:18] GCHW Class: MEDIA
    [20:11:18] GCHW Class GUID: {4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
    [20:11:18] GCHW Driver: {4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0019
    [20:11:18] GCHW Manufacturer: TerraTec
    [20:11:18] GCHW Location info: PCI-Bus 0, Gerät 7, Funktion 0
    [20:11:18] GCHW Phys. device name: \Device\NTPNP_PCI0008
    [20:11:18] GCHW UI number: 2
    [20:11:18] GCHW Bus type GUID: {C8EBDFB0-B510-11D0-80E5-00A0C92542E3} (PCI)
    [20:11:18] GCHW Legacy bus type: PCIBus
    [20:11:18] GCHW Enumerator: PCI
    [20:11:18] GCHW Exclusive use NOT allowed
    [20:11:18] GCHW Address: 0x70000
    [20:11:18] GCHW Driver information:
    [20:11:18] GCHW Driver = Cap7134.sys
    [20:11:18] GCHW DevLoader = *ntkern
    [20:11:18] GCHW NTMPDriver = Cap7134.sys
    [20:11:18] GCHW CountryCode = 49
    [20:11:18] GCHW InfPath = oem2.inf
    [20:11:18] GCHW InfSection = TTCap.Device
    [20:11:18] GCHW InfSectionExt = .NT
    [20:11:18] GCHW ProviderName = TerraTec
    [20:11:18] GCHW DriverDate = 2-21-2002
    [20:11:18] GCHW DriverVersion =
    [20:11:18] GCHW MatchingDeviceId = pci\ven_1131&dev_7134&subsys_1142153b
    [20:11:18] GCHW DriverDesc = Cinergy 400 TV Capture
    [20:11:18] GCHW Category GUID: {A799A802-A46D-11D0-A18C-00A02401DCD4} (no name)
    [20:11:18] GCHW Device 0:
    [20:11:18] GCHW Hardware ID00: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&SUBSYS_1142153B&REV_01
    [20:11:18] GCHW Hardware ID01: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&SUBSYS_1142153B
    [20:11:18] GCHW Hardware ID02: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&CC_048000
    [20:11:18] GCHW Hardware ID03: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&CC_0480
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID00: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134&REV_01
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID01: PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7134
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID02: PCI\VEN_1131&CC_048000
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID03: PCI\VEN_1131&CC_0480
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID04: PCI\VEN_1131
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID05: PCI\CC_048000
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID06: PCI\CC_0480
    [20:11:18] GCHW Device description: Cinergy 400 TV Capture
    [20:11:18] GCHW Service: Cap7134
    [20:11:18] GCHW Class: MEDIA
    [20:11:18] GCHW Class GUID: {4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
    [20:11:18] GCHW Driver: {4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0019
    [20:11:18] GCHW Manufacturer: TerraTec
    [20:11:18] GCHW Location info: PCI-Bus 0, Gerät 7, Funktion 0
    [20:11:18] GCHW Phys. device name: \Device\NTPNP_PCI0008
    [20:11:18] GCHW UI number: 2
    [20:11:18] GCHW Bus type GUID: {C8EBDFB0-B510-11D0-80E5-00A0C92542E3} (PCI)
    [20:11:18] GCHW Legacy bus type: PCIBus
    [20:11:18] GCHW Enumerator: PCI
    [20:11:18] GCHW Exclusive use NOT allowed
    [20:11:18] GCHW Address: 0x70000
    [20:11:18] GCHW Driver information:
    [20:11:18] GCHW Driver = Cap7134.sys
    [20:11:18] GCHW DevLoader = *ntkern
    [20:11:18] GCHW NTMPDriver = Cap7134.sys
    [20:11:18] GCHW CountryCode = 49
    [20:11:18] GCHW InfPath = oem2.inf
    [20:11:18] GCHW InfSection = TTCap.Device
    [20:11:18] GCHW InfSectionExt = .NT
    [20:11:18] GCHW ProviderName = TerraTec
    [20:11:18] GCHW DriverDate = 2-21-2002
    [20:11:18] GCHW DriverVersion =
    [20:11:18] GCHW MatchingDeviceId = pci\ven_1131&dev_7134&subsys_1142153b
    [20:11:18] GCHW DriverDesc = Cinergy 400 TV Capture
    [20:11:18] GCHW Category GUID: {A799A800-A46D-11D0-A18C-00A02401DCD4} (no name)
    [20:11:18] GCHW Device 0:
    [20:11:18] GCHW Hardware ID00: Stream\TTTvTune#PCI#VEN_1131&DEV_7134&SUBSYS_1142153B&REV_01
    [20:11:18] GCHW Hardware ID01: Stream\TTTvTune#PCI#VEN_1131&DEV_7134&SUBSYS_1142153B
    [20:11:18] GCHW Hardware ID02: Stream\TTTvTune#PCI#VEN_1131&DEV_7134&CC_048000
    [20:11:18] GCHW Hardware ID03: Stream\TTTvTune#PCI#VEN_1131&DEV_7134&CC_0480
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID00: Stream\TTTvTune#PCI#VEN_1131&DEV_7134&REV_01
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID01: Stream\TTTvTune#PCI#VEN_1131&DEV_7134
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID02: Stream\TTTvTune#PCI#VEN_1131&CC_048000
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID03: Stream\TTTvTune#PCI#VEN_1131&CC_0480
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID04: Stream\TTTvTune#PCI#VEN_1131
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID05: Stream\TTTvTune#PCI#CC_048000
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID06: Stream\TTTvTune#PCI#CC_0480
    [20:11:18] GCHW Compatible ID07: Stream\TTTvTune
    [20:11:18] GCHW Device description: Cinergy 400 TV Tuner
    [20:11:18] GCHW Service: TTTvTune
    [20:11:18] GCHW Class: MEDIA
    [20:11:18] GCHW Class GUID: {4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
    [20:11:18] GCHW Driver: {4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0020
    [20:11:18] GCHW Manufacturer: TerraTec
    [20:11:18] GCHW Phys. device name: \Device\0000006e
    [20:11:18] GCHW Capabilities:
    [20:11:18] GCHW Legacy bus type: Internal
    [20:11:18] GCHW Enumerator: STREAM
    [20:11:18] GCHW Exclusive use NOT allowed
    [20:11:18] GCHW Driver information:
    [20:11:18] GCHW DevLoader = *ntkern
    [20:11:18] GCHW NTMPDriver = PhTvTune.sys
    [20:11:18] GCHW Address = 0xc0
    [20:11:18] GCHW TunerType = FI1216MK2
    [20:11:18] GCHW DefaultStandard = 0x00000010
    [20:11:18] GCHW InfPath = oem2.inf
    [20:11:18] GCHW InfSection = TTTvTune.Device
    [20:11:18] GCHW InfSectionExt = .NT
    [20:11:18] GCHW ProviderName = TerraTec
    [20:11:18] GCHW DriverDate = 2-21-2002
    [20:11:18] GCHW DriverVersion =
    [20:11:18] GCHW MatchingDeviceId = stream\tttvtune
    [20:11:18] GCHW DriverDesc = Cinergy 400 TV Tuner
    [20:11:18] GCHW Category GUID: {6BDD1FC1-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F} (no name)
    [20:11:18] GCHW (END) Gathering information about installed capture hardware
    [20:11:27] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDPVRSession
    [20:11:27] DVDEngine **BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - Construct
    [20:11:27] DVDEngine **END: DVDSessionBase - Construct
    [20:11:27] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDPVRSession
    [20:11:27] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - RegisterApplicationService
    [20:11:27] DVDEngine ...Application service registered...
    [20:11:27] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - RegisterApplicationService
    [20:11:27] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - RegisterCallback
    [20:11:27] DVDEngine ...Session callback registered...
    [20:11:27] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - RegisterCallback
    [20:11:27] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - BeginDiscAccess
    [20:11:27] DVDEngine ...mode = ReadOnly
    [20:11:28] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [20:11:28] DVDEngine INFORMATION
    [20:11:28] DVDEngine cause: 260 (no_dvdpvr_media)
    [20:11:28] DVDEngine source: IDVDPVRSessionImpl
    [20:11:28] DVDEngine description: Disc is not a DVD+VR compatible media.
    [20:11:28] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [20:11:28] DVDEngine DVDENGINE exception caught.
    [20:11:28] DVDEngine END: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - BeginDiscAccess
    [20:11:28] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - EndDiscAccess
    [20:11:28] DVDEngine END: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - EndDiscAccess
    [20:11:28] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - RegisterCallback
    [20:11:28] DVDEngine ...Session callback ...
    [20:11:28] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - RegisterCallback
    [20:11:30] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - Clear
    [20:11:30] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - Clear
    [20:11:30] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - Destroy
    [20:11:30] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - Destroy
    [20:11:31] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDPVRSession
    [20:11:31] DVDEngine **BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - Construct
    [20:11:31] DVDEngine **END: DVDSessionBase - Construct
    [20:11:31] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDPVRSession
    [20:11:31] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - RegisterApplicationService
    [20:11:31] DVDEngine ...Application service registered...
    [20:11:31] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - RegisterApplicationService
    [20:11:31] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - EstimateSize
    [20:11:32] DVDEngine **BEGIN: dvd_eng_nero_conversion_manager - load
    [20:11:32] DVDEngine ...Media Converter interface version = 0x114...
    [20:11:32] DVDEngine **END: dvd_eng_nero_conversion_manager - load
    [20:11:32] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [20:11:32] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [20:11:32] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [20:11:32] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [20:11:32] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.04 | 150
    [20:11:32] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.04 | 0
    [20:11:32] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [20:11:32] NeroVision total data size : 382977 bytes
    [20:11:32] NeroVision multiplexed size : 397312 bytes
    [20:11:32] DVDEngine END: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - EstimateSize
    [20:11:32] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - CheckUpdate
    [20:11:32] DVDEngine **BEGIN: _DVDPVR - CheckUpdate VTSTT_VOBS
    [20:11:32] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: _VOBS - Process Update
    [20:11:32] DVDEngine ****END: _VOBS - Process Update
    [20:11:32] DVDEngine **END: _DVDPVR - CheckUpdate VTSTT_VOBS
    [20:11:32] DVDEngine ...flags = 0
    [20:11:32] DVDEngine ...C_Ns_max = 254
    [20:11:32] DVDEngine ...C_Ns_old = 0
    [20:11:32] DVDEngine ...C_Ns_new = 0
    [20:11:32] DVDEngine END: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - CheckUpdate
    [20:13:30] MMTools adding H:\Film-Musik-fotos\Film\Love-service.(Russian.comedy-2003).DVD-rip.by.Romeo.avi video
    [20:13:35] MMTools --- used source filters ---
    [20:13:35] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770}
    [20:13:35] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E}
    [20:13:35] MMTools {78766964-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}
    [20:13:35] MMTools file type AVI - video
    [20:13:35] MMTools --------------------
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - Clear
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - Clear
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - Destroy
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - Destroy
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine BEGIN: dvd_eng_nero_conversion_manager - unload
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine END: dvd_eng_nero_conversion_manager - unload
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDPVRSession
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine **BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - Construct
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine **END: DVDSessionBase - Construct
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDPVRSession
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - RegisterApplicationService
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine ...Application service registered...
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - RegisterApplicationService
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - EstimateSize
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine **BEGIN: dvd_eng_nero_conversion_manager - load
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine ...Media Converter interface version = 0x114...
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine **END: dvd_eng_nero_conversion_manager - load
    [20:13:36] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [20:13:36] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [20:13:36] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [20:13:36] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [20:13:36] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 4520.40 | 2648896
    [20:13:36] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 4520.40 | 126571
    [20:13:36] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [20:13:36] NeroVision total data size : 2842307660 bytes
    [20:13:36] NeroVision multiplexed size : 2939453440 bytes
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine END: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - EstimateSize
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - EstimateSize
    [20:13:36] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [20:13:36] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [20:13:36] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [20:13:36] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [20:13:36] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.04 | 150
    [20:13:36] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.04 | 0
    [20:13:36] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [20:13:36] NeroVision total data size : 382977 bytes
    [20:13:36] NeroVision multiplexed size : 397312 bytes
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine END: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - EstimateSize
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - EstimateSize
    [20:13:36] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [20:13:36] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [20:13:36] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [20:13:36] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [20:13:36] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 4520.40 | 2648896
    [20:13:36] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 4520.40 | 126571
    [20:13:36] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [20:13:36] NeroVision total data size : 2842307660 bytes
    [20:13:36] NeroVision multiplexed size : 2939453440 bytes
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine END: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - EstimateSize
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - CheckUpdate
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine **BEGIN: _DVDPVR - CheckUpdate VTSTT_VOBS
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: _VOBS - Process Update
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine max C_PBTM is 60.1 s.
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _DVDProcessor::~_DVDProcessor()
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine ********END: _DVDProcessor::~_DVDProcessor()
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine ******END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine ****END: _VOBS - Process Update
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine **END: _DVDPVR - CheckUpdate VTSTT_VOBS
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine ...flags = 0
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine ...C_Ns_max = 254
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine ...C_Ns_old = 0
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine ...C_Ns_new = 77
    [20:13:36] DVDEngine END: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - CheckUpdate
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Burn process started by user.
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Destination: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4040B
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Directory for temporary files: C:\DOKUME~1\alex\LOKALE~1\Temp\
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Available hard disk space for temporary files: 14419.355 MB
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI ------<NeroVision Project Information>--------
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI --- Project type: DVD-Video (VR)
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI --- Project video options ---
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Video mode: PAL
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Aspect ratio: 4:3
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Quality: Automatic
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Resolution: Automatic
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI File type: MPEG-2
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Audio format: Stereo
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Encoding mode: High Quality (2-Pass VBR)
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI --- Project space information ---
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Used disc space: 2.74 GB
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI --- Project contents ---
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Number of titles: 1
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI 1. Love-service.(Russian.comedy-2003).DVD-rip.by.Romeo (Video Title, 1h 15m 20s)
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Video mode: PAL
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Aspect ratio: 4:3
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Quality: Standard play (5073 kbps)
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Resolution: 720 x 576 (CCIR-601)
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI Number of menus: 1
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI - Menu for Love-service.(Russian.comedy-2003).DVD-rip.by.Romeo (1 page)
    [20:13:56] ExpressUI --------<End of Project Information>----------
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDPVRSession
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine **BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - Construct
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine **END: DVDSessionBase - Construct
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDPVRSession
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - RegisterApplicationService
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine ...Application service registered...
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - RegisterApplicationService
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - RegisterCallback
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine ...Session callback registered...
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - RegisterCallback
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - BeginDiscAccess
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine ...mode = Read/Write, write speed = 2770 KB/s
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine INFORMATION
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine cause: 260 (no_dvdpvr_media)
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine source: IDVDPVRSessionImpl
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine description: Disc is not a DVD+VR compatible media.
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine DVDENGINE exception caught.
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine END: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - BeginDiscAccess
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - GetDVDFormat
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine ...DVD format = 'DVDFMT_DVDPRW' DVD+VR(DVD+RW)
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - GetDVDFormat
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - EndDiscAccess
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine END: IDVDPVRSessionImpl - EndDiscAccess
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - RegisterCallback
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine ...Session callback ...
    [20:13:56] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - RegisterCallback
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  8. #23
    Aufsteiger/in Avatar von blinky27

    Registriert seit
    16.12.03 - 20:28
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
    Mal eine Frage an Dich Alex, hast Du wirklich bei dein ersten Film dieses Format genommen.

    Hast Du beim ersten Film eine wiederbeschreibaren DVD-Rohling verwendet und jetzt nicht ?

    Dein Rohling ist mit dem Format nicht kompatibel :

    laut http://www.computerbase.de/lexikon/DVD#DVD-VR
    Abkömmling des DVD-RAM Standard. Inzwischen auf DVD-RW und DVD RW übertragene Technik. Die Daten werden im UDF 2.01 Standard gebrannt, wodurch Microsoft Windows Probleme hat, diese Medien zu lesen. Andere Betriebssysteme haben diese Probleme nicht.

    Dieses Format ist ähnlich einer DVD-Video, allerdings nicht kompatibel zu ihr. Es gibt hier einen Bearbeitungsmodus, um einzelne Szenen aus einem Film auszublenden. Die Filme werden hier allerdings nicht extra verschlüsselt, sondern sind normale MPEG 2 Filme mit einer anderen Dateiendung.
    Im Musik Forum kannst du hunderte TV und Radiosender Live hören.

  9. #24
    Urgestein Avatar von alex-schwarz

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    21.1.04 - 18:22
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    ich brenne von avi auf DVD+RW und bei meinem player steht das er DVD+RW abspielt

    und was soll das heisen kann ich jetzt doch keine DVD+RW verwenden
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  10. #25
    Aufsteiger/in Avatar von blinky27

    Registriert seit
    16.12.03 - 20:28
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    Wenns beim ersten mal geklappt hat, dann müßte es jetzt auch gehen. Du kannst DVD+RW verwenden, warum er diese nicht nimmt keine Ahnung. Versuch es doch mal mit der Demoversion von WinonCD (http://www.roxio.de/winoncd/de/trial...strierung.html ) , oder TMPGEnc DVD Author (http://www.chip.de/downloads/c_downloads_10434610.html )
    wobei hier schon der Film in mpeg2 vorliegen muß.
    Im Musik Forum kannst du hunderte TV und Radiosender Live hören.

  11. #26
    Urgestein Avatar von alex-schwarz

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    21.1.04 - 18:22
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    bisher gehts mit WinOnCD 6 danke für den tipp
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  12. #27
    Urgestein Avatar von alex-schwarz

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    21.1.04 - 18:22
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    das kapiere ich net zuerst habe ich es mit 1 program ausprobiert und ich konnte 1 DVD umwandeln und brennen als es damit nicht mehr ging da eine fehlermeldung kamm habe ich es mit dem 2 program ausprobiert und es ging auch nur für 1 DVD aber nun geht es wieder net das program erkennt die cd nicht.
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  13. #28
    Aufsteiger/in Avatar von blinky27

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    16.12.03 - 20:28
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    Probier doch mal ein anderen Rohlingstyp, vielleicht hat ja dein Brenner Probleme mit diesen Rohling.

    Im Musik Forum kannst du hunderte TV und Radiosender Live hören.

  14. #29
    Urgestein Avatar von alex-schwarz

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    21.1.04 - 18:22
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    wieso solte er probleme haben es ging doch 2 mal und ich will die filme auf RW brennen damit ich sie löschen kann nachdem ich sie angeschaut habe
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  15. #30
    Aufsteiger/in Avatar von blinky27

    Registriert seit
    16.12.03 - 20:28
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    Naja kann ja sein das dein Brenner probleme hat mit den Rohlingen von dem Hersteller, vielleicht gehts ja mit Rohlingen vom anderen Hersteller. Seit wann benutzt Du den diese Rohlinge ?
    Im Musik Forum kannst du hunderte TV und Radiosender Live hören.

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